วันศุกร์ที่ 22 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555




Pre-Open Hunter skill tree. Jpg

Class Skill Tree Edit

The numbers in parentheses are the minimum required skills prerequisite Lv.
※ Pre-Oβ point
Simulator skills (external site) Http://Pso2skill.Web.Fc2.Com/index.Htm
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Skill Edit

HP up Edit

Maximum HP will increase
HP up. PngMaximum HP+3+6+10+14+18+23+28+34+40+50

HP Up 2 Edit

Maximum HP will increase
HP up 2.pngMaximum HP+3+6+10+14+18+23+38+34+40+50

Blow up Edit

Striking force is increased
Blow up 1.pngStriking power+3+6+10+14+18+23+28+34+40+50

HP Up 3 Edit

Blow up 2 Edit

Striking force is increased
Blow up 2.pngStriking power+3+6+10+14+18+23+28+34+40+50

Blow up a defense Edit

Defense rises blow
1.png blow up defenseDefense blow+3+6+10+14+18+23+28+34+40+50

A bonus JA Edit

Just get a damage bonus to attack other than the technique
JA 2_0.png bonusDamage magnification101%102%103%104%105%106%107%108%109%110%

2 bonus JA Edit

Just get a damage bonus to attack other than the technique
JA bonus 2.pngDamage magnification101%

Fury stance Edit

Stance to reduce the defense skill increase striking power, the power shooting
Fury stance. PngStriking power+50+60+70+80+100+110+120+130+140+150
Shooting power+50+60+70+80+100+110+120+130+140+150
Defense blow-250-245-240-235-230-225-220-215-210-200
Recast60 seconds

Critical Fury Edit

Up the rate of critical hits during the stance Fury
Fu~yuri critical. PngTrigger percentage+1%+2%+3%

War cry Edit

Attract the attention of Enemy
War Cry. PngHate effectHundred percentHundred percent110%110%120%120%130%150%170%190%
Time effect5 seconds7 seconds9 seconds11 seconds13 seconds15 seconds18 seconds21 seconds25 seconds30 seconds

Guard stance Edit

Stance skill lowers the striking force, the fire power, to increase the defense force
Guard stance. PngStriking power-150-145-140-135-130-125-120-115-110-100
Shooting power-150-145-140-135-130-125-120-115-110-100
Defense blow+50+60+70+80+90+100+120+140+160+200
Recast60 seconds

Up a guard stance Edit

Up the guard force in defense stance
Stance guard up 1.pngDefense blow+5

Auto-Mate in half Edit

When HP becomes 50% or less, to use the items in the automatic system mate
Auto-mate the half-line. PngTrigger percentage20%24%28%32%36%42%

Guard Edit

Poised in front of the weapon to prevent the attack of enemy
Guard. Png

Just guard Edit

By the guard just before the attack, to significantly reduce the damage
Just guard. Png--

Just counter Edit

Immediately after the successful attack will be to just attack the guard just
Just counter. Png--

Step Edit

To move quickly to short-range light pedal operation
Step. Png--

Advance step Edit

  • Extension of time is invincible during the step
  • Although at first glance appear to be the margin of error, and some help in our.
    Advance step. PngEffect of time (in seconds)

Step attack Edit

  • Attacks in action step is possible.
  • And downloaded from the lock-on, can also attack while avoiding wrap while.
  • Easier than the step canceled.
    Attack step. Png--

Just reversal Edit

  • Quickly get up when you jump operation is blown down
  • After the fires down, and immediately jump.
  • So instead of turning them into fire and in Fukitobi, timing is important.
    Just reversal. Png--

Partisans gear Edit

To learn a partisan gear
  • Accumulate up to stage a three stage gauge, up to each do occur by sandwiching the delay after the attack on the "My", in the imposition of a consumption stage PA.
  • Effect is mainly an increase in attack range.
    Partisans gear. Png--

Wired Lance Gear Edit

  • Wired to learn Lance Gear
  • Usually accumulate in the attack meter, three phase to accumulate up to gauge. Consumption in the imposition of a stage PA.
  • Effect of increased power mainly.
    Lance wired gear. Png--

Sodogia Edit

To learn Sodogia
  • The gauge will gradually accumulate and shed attack, go down and not doing anything. Attention because of the different gear and other selfish.
  • The effect of power and rise mainly due to shortening of time.
    Sodogia. Png--

