2.เควส NPC
เควส ออเดอร์ จาก npc
เชคได้ว่ารับของใครมามั่งแล้ว มีหน้าสแดงอารมด้วย สงสัย รับมาแล้ว ทำช้า npc เริ่มงอน

npc จะมีสัญลักแบบนี้ แสดงว่ามีเควสให้ทำ

กด E คุย เลือกข้อ 2

คนนี้มีให้ 3 เควสเลย


พอรับแล้ว สัญลักจะเป็นแบบนี้แสดงว่าเรารับเควสนั้นแล้ว จะได้ไม่งง

เสร็จแล้วก็มา ที่ เคาเตอร์นี้เลย มาลงทะเบียนทำภาระกิจ

เราก็จะเห็นว่า มีด่านไหนบ้าง แล้ว จะมีสัญลักบอก ว่า ด่านนั้น มีเควสตรงกับเควสที่เรา รับมารึป่าว

สถาณที่ ที่ npc อยู่ แล้ว เควส ที่ npc มี แล้ววิธีทำ แปลเป็น อังกฤษนะ
เที่ยบชื่อ เควส เอานะ
暇つぶしにナベリウスへ - To Naberiusu to kill time
Clear Subdue Fongulf
Arks Lobby
- Objective: Clear Fongalf extermination!
- Requirements: S rank the mission under 20 minutes.
- Prize: Afin Partner Card
- Objective: Switch weapon palettes
- Objective: Set a photon art in the weapon palette
- Objective: Set a Technic in the weapon palette.
- Notes: Only the Force class can set a Technic to the weapon palette.Change your class to a Force to complete this order.
- Objective: Purchase a skill at the Class Counter
- Objective: Purchase a drink at the medical center.
- Objective: (While in a mission) a PSE Burst should occur.
龍族とダーカーと New
- Objective: Clear the Kaltagot Extermination.
- Requirements: S rank clear the mission with ONLY Afin.
遺棄された惑星 New
- Objective: Clear the 貴重物資運搬計画:砂漠 quest.
- Requirements: S rank clear the mission with ONLY Afin.
マグブリーダーをめざせ! - Aim for a MAG breeder!(unlocked by getting your MAG license)
Give item to your MAG
些細な探しもの - Looking for something trivial
Acquire Echo’s Rod x1 (Dropped from Rockbears)
ナイショの依頼 - Request of the secret
S-rank clear Capture Nab Rappy with Echo in party (Unlocks Echo's Partner Card)
Hans - Human (More COs are opened as you turn in COs repetitively)
恐怖の惑星 - Planet of Fear
Kill Udan x30 ลิงใหญ่
Kill Za Udan x10 ลิงเล็ก
極彩色の悪魔 - Multicolored Devils
Kill Aginis x12
群れる野獣 - Swarming Beasts
Kill Gulf x30 หมาเลก
Kill Fongulf x10 หมาใหญ่
未知なる試練 - Unknown Trial
Kill Dig x60
戦慄の知的生命 - Frightening Intelligent Life
Kill Dinian x40
Kill Sol Dinian x40
Kill Sil Dinian x40
装甲獣の洗礼 - Baptism of the Armored Beasts
Kill Karonga x15
森林に潜む罠 - Hidden Forest Trap
Kill Rockbear x3
痛撃の鋭角 - Acute Angle of the Attack
Kill Nodiran x50
Kill Fodran x30
地獄の使者 - Harbinger of Hell
Kill Caterdra'n x4
Kill Vol Dragon x3
- Objective: With a sword defeat 20 Agnis
- Objective: Clear the Subdue Catadran Mission
- Requirements: Complete the mission with only a Sword within 16 minutes.
- Objective: With a sword defeat 3 Gwanahda.
- Objective: With a Wired Lance defeat 10 Fongalf
- Objective: Clear the Subdue Catadran Mission
- Requirements: Complete the mission with only a Wired Lance within 16 minutes.
- Objective: With a wired lance defeat 3 Gwanahda.
- Objective: With a Partisan defeat 8 Garongos
- Objective: Clear the Subdue Catadran Mission
- Requirements: Complete the mission with only a Partisan within 16 minutes.
- Objective: With a Partisan defeat 3 Gwanahda.
- Objective: With a Gunslash defeat 30 Galf
- Objective: With only a Gunslash clear the Subdue Catadran Mission
- Requirements: Mission must be completed only with a gunslash and within 16 minutes.
- Objective: With a Gunslash defeat 3 Gwanahda.
- Objective: With an Assault Rifle, defeat 15 Za Oodan.
- Objective: With only an Assault Rifle, clear the Subdue Catadran Mission
- Requirements: Mission must be completed only with an Assault Rifle and within 16 minutes.
- Objective: With an Assault Rifle defeat 3 Gwanahda.
- Objective: With a Launcher defeat 8 Garongos.
- Notes: Garongos are those rolly polly enemies in the Forest
- Objective: With only a Launcher, clear the Subdue Catadran Mission
- Requirements: Missions must be completed only with a Launcher and within 16 minutes.
- Objective: With a Launcher defeat 3 Gwanahda.
- Objective: With a rod defeat 30 Galf
- Objective: With only a Rod, clear the Subdue Catadran Mission
- Requirements: Missions must be completed only with a Rod and within 16 minutes.
- Objective: With a rod, defeat 3 Gwanahda
- Objective: With a Talis, defeat 8 Garongos
- Objective: With only a Talis, clear the Subdue Catadran Mission
- Requirements: Missions must be completed only with a Talis and within 16 minutes.
- Objective: With a Talis, defeat 3 Gwanahda
マグライセンス授与申請試練 - MAG License Request Test
Acquire big wolf claw x10
武器携帯数拡張申請試練・I - Weapon Palette Expansion Request Test I
Acquire Caterdra'n crystals? x3
Palete Expansion x3
探索許可申請試練・I - Investigation Permission Request Test I
Clear Forest Exploration
自由探索許可申請・森林 - Free Investigation Request: Forest
S-rank clear Dagan Extermination: Forest in under15 minutes
S-rank clear Capture Nab Rappy in under 12 minutes
Acquire Forest Device x2 in forest missions.
自由探索許可申請・火山洞窟 - Free Investigation Request: Volcano Grotto
S-rank clear Kartagot Extermination in under 20 minutes
S-rank clear Subdue Caterdra'n in under 20 minutes
Acquire Cave Device? x2 in cave missions
Kuroto - Human
Lavelle - Newman (More COs are opened as you turn in COs repetitively)
ブラック・スローター・I - Black Slaughter I
Kill Dagan x25
ヴェロシティ・アニヒレート・I - Velocity Annihilation I
Clear Dagan Extermination: Forest
ブラック・スローター・II - Black Slaughter II
Kill Dagan x40
ブラック・スローター・III - Black Slaughter III
Kill Kartagot x12
レンジャーは最高ですよお~ - Rangers are the Bestest
Change to a Ranger and retalk to her. (Must not be a Ranger to activate)
長銃はこう使うんですよお - Using Assault Rifles like that
Kill x20 Forest mobs with an Assault Rifle.
銃剣はこう使うんですよお - Using Gunslashes like that
Kill x20 Forest mobs with a Gun Slash
大砲はこう使うんですよお - Using Launchers like that
Kill x20 Forest mobs with a Launcher
シフタドリンクの素材 - Shifta Drink Ingredients
Acquire Gulf Nail x50
Acquire Fongulf Tusk x15
Shifta Drink at Medical Center
フォトンドリンクの素材 - Photon Drink Ingredients
Acquire Aginis Feather x50
Acquire Karonga Shell x15
Photon Drink at Medical Center
ンダムドリンクの素材 - Random Drink Ingredients
Acquire Dig Sharp Horn x60
Acquire Dinian Sword Fragment x20
Random Drink at Medical Center
シフタドリンクZの研究 - Shifta Drink Z Research
Acquire Dinian Shield Frgament x30
Acquire Dinian Cane x30
デバンドリンクZの研究 - Deband Drink Z Research
Acquire Dig Meat x60
Acquire Kaltago Shell x10
フォースはおすすめ - Forces are recommended
Change to a Force and retalk to her. (Must not be a Force to activate)
長杖の使用方法 - Staff Instructions
Kill 20 Forrest Natives with a Rod
導具の使用方法 - Talis Instructions
Kill 20 Forrest Natives with a Talis
Ohza - Human - Hunter: Partisan
ハンターの道は一歩から - Hunter is one step of the way from
Change to a Hunter and retalk to him. (Must not be a Hunter to activate)
大剣の扱い方 - How to handle the large sword
Kill 20 Forrest Natives with a Sword
自在法の扱い方 - How to handle the law freely
Kill 20 Forrest Natives with a Wired Lance
長槍の扱い方 - How to handle the spear length
Kill 20 Forrest Natives with a Partisan

- Objective: Talk to Ohza as a Hunter
- Requirements: Go to the Class Counter and change your class to a Hunter. Instead of picking the second option, choose the first option to talk to them.
- Notes: This only shows up if you are not a Hunter.
- Objective: Defeat 20 Naberius Creatures
- Requirements: Defeat 20 Naberius creatures using the Sword.
- Objective: Defeat 20 Naberius Creatures
- Requirements: Defeat 20 Naberius creatures using the Wired Lance
- Objective: Defeat 20 Naberius Creatures
- Requirements: Defeat 20 Naberius creatures using the Partizan
By completing these 3 you get a partner card.
共に火山洞窟へ向かうぞ New!
- Objective: Clear the Free Field Caves Mission
- Requirements: HUNTERS ONLY! S rank clear the mission with ONLYOhza.
共に砂漠 へ向かうぞ New!
- Objective: Clear the Free Field Desert Mission.
- Requirements: HUNTERS ONLY! S rank clear the mission with ONLYOhza
Philia seems to unlock after Episode 1 Story Quest.
- Objective: Acquire 10 Orange Flowers
- Notes: These drop from Nab Rappies in yellow boxes.
- Objective: Acquire 10 Pink Flowers
- Notes: These drop from Nab Rappy in yellow boxes.
- Objective: Acquire 10 Yellow Flowers
- Notes: These drop from Rappies.
- Objective: Defeat 25 Dagan
- Objective: Clear the Dagan Extermination mission
ヴェロシティ・アニヒレート・II New!
- Objective: Clear the Subdue Kaltagot mission within 12 minutes.
- Notes: The second Caves Mission.
- Objective: Defeat 40 Dagan
- Notes: Do the Kaltago Quest in the Caves.
- Objective: Defeat 12 Kaltago
- Notes: Do the Kaltago Quest in Caves.
ブラック・スローター・IV New!
- Objective: Defeat 40 Dagan, 20 Krahda, and 15 El Ahda.
- Requirements: Must be Level 16+ enemies.
ブラック・スローター・V New!
- Objective: Defeat 20 Kaltago, 10 Breeada, and 3 Gwanahda.
- Requirements: Must be level 16+ enemies.
- Objective: Defeat 30 Oodan and 10 Za oodan.
- Objective: Defeat 12 Agnis
- Objective: Defeat 30 Galf and 10 FonGalf
- Objective: Defeat 15 Garongo
- Objective: Defeat 3 Rockbears
- Objective: Defeat 60 Digs
- Note: In Caves missions
- Objective: Defeat 40 Dinian, 40 Sol Dinians, and 40 Sil Dinians.
- Note: In Caves Missions
- Objective: Defeat 40 Nordiran and 30 Fordoran
- Note: In Caves Missions
宙を舞う死神 New!
- Objective: Defeat 15 El Arda
- Note: Desert Missions
宙を舞う母艦 New!
- Objective: Defeat 10 Breeada
接撃の機甲種 New!
- Objective: Defeat 40 SpardanA
- Notes: Desert Missions
Shop Lobby
- Objective: Acquire 60 Oodan meat.
- Requirements: Must be Level 21+ Oodan enemies in Missions.
- Objective: Acquire 10 Mysterious beetle shells
- Requirements: Must be Level 28+ Dagan and Krahda.
- Notes: Do Desert Missions
- Objective: Acquire 60 Digg meat.
- Requirements: Must be level 24+ Digg.
- Objective: Acquire 15 Mysterious Nuts
- Requirements: Must be level 21+ Oodan and Za Oodan
- Notes: Do Forest Missions
- Objective: Acquire 60 Agnis meat.
- Requirements: Must be level 21+ Agnis.
- Notes: Do Forest Missions
- Objective: Acquire 60 Nodiran meat.
- Requirements: Must be level 24+ Nodiran.
- Notes: Do Caves Missions
- Objective: Acquire 40 Dried Grass.
- Requirements: Must be level 24+ Dinian.
- Notes: Do Caves Missions
- Objective: Defeat 20 Rappies
- Requirements: Enemies must be level 21+.
- Prize: Rappy Mini Doll
- Objective: Clear Subdue Fongalf Mission.
- Requirements: S Rank Clear it in Hard Mode.
- Objective: Clear Subdue Za Oodan.
- Requirements: S Rank Clear in Hard Mode within 3 minutes.
- Objective: Clear Dagan Extermination.
- Requirements: S Rank Clear in Hard Mode as a Hunter
- Objective: Clear Dagan Extermination
- Requirements: S Rank Clear in Hard Mode as a Ranger
- Objective: Clear Dagan Extermination
- Requirements: S Rank Clear in Hard Mode as a Force
- Objective: Clear Free Field Forest
- Requirements: S Rank Clear in Hard Mode with ONLY a Gunslash
雷雨の観察 - Observation of a Thunderstorm
Observe Thunderstorm
熱波の観察 - Observation of heat wave
Observe Heat Wave
濃霧の観察 - Observation of the fog
Observe Thick Fog
光虫の観察 - Observation of insect light
Observe Bio-luminescence
- Objective: Insert/Withdraw items from storage.
- Requirements: Place an item in the storage box next to Jean.
- Objective: From the visiphone, select “Player Search” from “Arks Search”
- Requirements: Use the visiphone next to Jean, and select Arks Search then Player Search then search for any player.
- Objective: Write a quest clear autoword
- Requirements: From the main menu select System (gears icon) and “Chat Settings”, then choose autoword and write a quest clear autoword. Play a mission and make sure your quest clear auto word shows up.
- Objective: Open the Arks Cash Shop Product List.
- Requirements: Just open the Arks Cash Shop list and view the list of items available. From the main menu, click the shopping cart icon, then the second option to reach it.
- Objective: Send a Good Job
- Objective: Draw a Fun Scratch
- Requirements: Play a Fun Scratch game from the Shopping Cart menu
- Objective: Clear Fongalf Extermination
- Requirements: S Rank Clear the Fongalf mission while ONLY inviting Jean into your party.
- Objective: Grind an item in the Item Lab
- Objective: Increase an attribute on a weapon in the Item lab
- Notes: Item Lab is the purple shop in the Arks Shopping Lobby.
- Objective: Give a special ability to a weapon/unit.